Thursday, August 8, 2013

Violet Leighanna

Violet Leighanna.
I have three adorable little flowers!
And I never even intended to have theme names! :)
While I was dreaming about my three sweet girls, and how awesome it is to have sisters,
I decided on a middle name.
Leigh (after my sister Laura - her middle name) and Anna, (after my sister - Anna!)

Violet is such a dream.
Which is good because we're still not actually getting to the dream state of sleep yet.

Her birth was a lot like the others except for two things:

She was not early!  In fact, I was induced two days before her due date.
(Walking around at 5 cm and like 90% effaced for two weeks makes my doctors nervous)

And also, my epidural was a nightmare.  NIGHTMARE.
Really wishing I would have opted out considering that once again, it was like two pushes and out she came!
I was back in the ER the next day after being discharged to have a blood patch due to spinal fluid leaking and causing a spinal headache, and thankfully (ohhhh thankfully!) it was successful.

But that little Violet...she is loved and cuddled constantly.
And somehow, today, she is 6 weeks old! (photos are from 2 weeks)
It's so fast, it just is.
And with every step, I find myself wondering if it will be "the last time".
You know...the last time I check into the hospital to give birth,
the last time we take a newborn home from the hospital,
the last time I use a newborn onesie...

Ahhh, my heart.


Lora said...

Oh My heart. Tara! I love the names, and she is just stunning! Congrats to your whole family. She couldn't have picked a better bunch of people to join!! I'm sure you have been so crazy busy so thanks for posting!

Holbrook's said...

She is so beautiful! Parents like you guys should have like 10 kids to make the world just that much better!

Bailey Family said...

Love her so much! She is so sweet and she will be a great caboose if that is the plan...
Love her middle name. She will have a bond with her aunts because of it.
6 weeks! Time flies.

Shannon said...

Congratulations and welcome baby Violet!!

dixonfamily said...

congratulations!! violet is just beautiful! I am glad you survived the horrible epidural/post head ache. What a nightmare.
You have been in my thoughts the past few weeks as I remembered back to the adjustment of adding number 5. I hope you are all enjoying a smooth transition. :)

Christy said...

she is beyond precious tara! so happy for you guys. you are such an incredible family, and the kind of people who need to have lots of kids just to populate the world with good people like yourselves!!

so sorry about the epidural-- yikes! i hope that never happens to me. sounds miserable. i hope all is going well for you painters!