I feel like it says so much about my kids ages (and maybe a touch of personality too).
This was taken at our ward party last weekend, about 2 minutes into the donut game.
The game where you can't use your hands to eat the donut on a string.
Zach stands there, no bite thus far, but patiently going at it.
And Lily, well, she doesn't suffer fools gladly.
Zachary's kindergarten Halloween party was last Wednesday, and I was in charge of the craft.
We made these little owl cookie pops. Fun and cute. (made from a moon pie!)
We spent the weekend in St. Louis for my grandfather's 80th birthday party.
It was a wonderful time.
I got back this afternoon and was feeling horrible.
So sick, I slept for 6 hours.
And now here it is Halloween night.
I'm afraid I won't get a decent picture of their costumes this year,
(maybe I can convince them to dress up tomorrow?)
and tomorrow is November 1st.
I can think of two radio stations that will be playing Christmas music.
This time of year goes so quickly, and I do love it.