There was deliberation about room arrangements before Roman came. I decided to put him in his own space, and let Lily and Zach have "bunky beds" as they call them. Good choice. Roman's little room is our spot to get away from the boisterousness that is the Painter Home. Having this place to go reminds me to stare into his little eyes and give him gobs of attention. Just yesterday -while in his room- he flashed a HUGE and full of purpose (not gas) smile at me. It's crazy what that does to my heart. Feels like it is going to leap from my chest.
The crib and dresser are finally painted and reassembled. Funny story. When we found out we were pregnant with Zach, David was over the moon. Super pumped. He WANTED to go shopping for a crib. We went to a baby store. I wasn't excited about anything I saw, but pointing to a set I said, "well, I guess of all the choices here, that one is my favorite". It was the first store we visited, I figured there would be plenty more. I was only a few weeks pregnant. The next day I got home from work and David was like, "oh, I had some extra time so I went back by the baby store and put the crib on lay-away, they said it was the only one left." I was like, "WHAT??" He thought lay-away was the same thing as HOLD. Didn't blink an eye when they asked for a non-refundable deposit. Needless to say, the crib and dresser set was ours. I think BECAUSE of that story, and how it represents Dave's enthusiasm for being a parent, I treasure it.
3 little guy and 1 medium guy: