Monday, July 28, 2008

Cake Plates and Cookie Monster

In continuing with my unhealthy attraction to Goodwill projects, I'd like to show you some cake plates. (Click Here for more details) I thought I could wait until I found the perfect pink, green or blue plate...but these were so cheap, I gave it a trial run this weekend. Ridiculously simple, the longest part of this project is the shopping!

I loaded up the stand with cookies (always looks better "in use" right?). I ran back to my room to grab the camera (maybe 3 seconds), and when I came back, Miss Lily had found the goodies. In my mom voice I said, "NO Lily, get down!", worried that she might mess up the "display". ha. She gave a convincing pout. But just look at her eyes, a plan is hatching.
Lily thinking: "Mom, you really like your new camera. And I know you won't put it down to stop me." Sneaky face!The concentration.

our weekend...

...was pretty low-key. We spent time house hunting and after a long day, took the kids and a picnic to one of the neighborhood parks. (is that tacky?) It would be hard to kick out a kid that looked THIS happy on a swing. :)
They found a mama duck sitting on her beautiful blue eggs.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hurricane Dolly

It rained ALL day, a byproduct of Hurricane Dolly. I pressed my nose, and camera, up to my bedroom window to take a shot of this pretty little tree. I guess it looked like fun, because a few (very quiet) minutes later I went out on the deck to find the following...

monkey see and monkey do... it was a good day for pictures.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Daddy's Home!

The smiles are much more abundant when he's around!

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Camera is HERE!

Unfortunately my subjects are on strike!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Do we really live by the beach? Galveston is just an hour away. I feel like a lucky girl! I grew up swimming in lakes, any beach will impress me!
Boogie boards were a BIG hit!
Auntie Anna and Zach
No fear...
just good times!

Lily "played" with the birds forever. Basically, they chased her around waiting for her to drop her Cheetos (just look at her orange hands). She thought they were best friends. Hoovering over her head for that length of time, it was amazing that she didn't get pooped on. Our towels are another story!
SISTERS! One tan. One, ummm, not so (ever) tan.
BTW...BOTH of my sisters are drop-dead-gorgeous with lovely dark hair and TAN!
I have to tell a nice story. I try to avoid "mommy car". You know, the toys and trash and crumbs in the seats. But guess what, it happens. A few weeks back Anna surprised me by taking my car to have it detailed. A--A--mazing! It's one of those things you don't realize will actually CHANGE your also don't realize how bad the situation really was until your car is SPOTLESS! Isn't she thoughtful? I know that I am STILL gushing every time I get in and smell that pretty clean scent instead of stale milk!
Collecting seashells with dad.
I'm ready to go back!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Antiques Roadshow Dropout

I walked in Goodwill with the hope of passing time, and walked out with this chair. The lines were OK, the price was $9.99, and the chair was super sturdy and solid wood. I liked it. I could picture it as a computer chair for the media center in the kitchen of the house we don't own (I'm lame). So as we proceeded with the transformation, I unscrewed the seat (or was it David that did that) and low and behold I discovered the secret identity. Stapled to the wood was a little tag that said: Drexel Heritage ca:1982. Sweet! There is not a single piece of Drexel Heritage furniture that I could afford today considering side chairs start at $500 (a piece). Granted, the ca:1982 wasn't doing anything for it's likability, but still, decent furniture.
The paint and fabric were already purchased, but as I watched David paint the chair, I got a little nervous as my mind concocted a possible future scenario. (dream sequence music playing) Fast forward 150 years, my great, great (great?)nephew and his wife are standing in line at the Antiques Roadshow. The appraiser starts by saying he's excited to see this chair in such good shape. He tells them some mumbo jumbo about Drexel furniture being created in 1903 and joining Heritage in the 1950s and they've been making furniture since then. He folds his arms and says that a chair like this can sometimes get up to $6000 at auction, and the camera pans left to the faces of the nervous couple. They try (unsuccessfully) to look nonchalant and say something about how "interesting" it is, but they won't sell because this chair means something to them. Next, the appraiser says he notices that the chair has been painted, and recovered a few times by "amateurs". He goes on, unfortunately, with the changes, the chair's value is closer to, ummmm, $10. How much did you say your Great Aunt bought it for? The camera pans left again and the couple retain a smile but "crap, now we can't buy that Costco furniture" is written all over their faces.

I think I have an overactive imagination. But I like how my 1982 chair turned out.

Dusk: when we finally get to play outside

Summer bike maintenance

They make their own fun

Monday, July 7, 2008

In Love

(courtesy camera phone)
(WARNING: following post is MUSHY!...if you feel like gagging, I'll understand)
On July 5th David and I celebrated our six-year anniversary. We went to the Houston Temple and out to a seafood dinner! Seriously... such a great day! I love him! I just kept thinking back to all that has happened in the 11 years I have known (and loved) him. I'm just so so blessed. Blessed... even though the trials and responsibilities are much heavier now than they ever were at 16, we can still love and laugh just like we did when we were kids. David is my best friend. He knows me better than anyone on this earth (and still loves me...that's the amazing part). I love the calmness and peace I feel around him. I'm safe, I'm loved, I'm smart and capable and valued...that's how I feel when he's around. There is NO ONE I'd rather have on a deserted island, he is MacGyver. I'm spoiled by his talents, I believe he can make, fix, rig-up or do anything! But, the kicker is that he changes diapers! Granted, this was an acquired (re:requested) skill, but he does it nonetheless! I'm not sure there is anything that melts my heart quicker than seeing him with his children. He reads, and dresses, and cuddles, and sings and brushes teeth and puts in hair clips, and searches for lost blankies. When our kids wake up in the middle of the night, or have an accident, David is the one that jumps out of bed! One day our kids will realize what a unique blessing this is in their lives. He truly cares for their needs, he serves them, he loves them. Gosh, I really hope we have at least 80 more years of life together on this earth, but if we don't, how grateful I am, what a beautiful choice we made, to be sealed for eternity in the temple. May we always live worthy of the promises made, because eternity with David sounds like heaven to me!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sending Love...

We had a beautiful 4th of July. It really was a perfect day. We attended the ward pancake breakfast, took lovely naps (ALL of us!) and then packed up for a fireworks display. I love how all fireworks displays somehow bill themselves as the "LARGEST"...but there is always a catch (like: "west of the Mississippi", or "in the northwest"). Apparently, we attended the "Largest 'land-based' Fireworks Display in the Nation!" Not to poke fun though, because honestly, it was probably the best one I have ever seen! The kids were crazy about all the treats we brought, and they loved the fireworks too!

The excitement was tempered a bit for Dave and I. On July 3rd Dave, being a contact person for his brother Ryan, received a call to say that Ryan had been deployed. Ryan had been active since April, and was preparing for his second tour in Iraq. The timing of deployment was poignant. Throughout the day we were filled with all the imaginable emotions: pride, worry wondering where and how he was, and just an indescribable gratitude for him and all the service men and women. I am so blessed to live in this country, I am so blessed with the freedom afforded me by selfless and brave and patriotic people like Ryan. We love you!

(Dave to Ryan:)
I don't know if you got to see any fireworks so I sent you that video, I hope you got it. I want you to know how proud I am of you and who you have become. I know that times are going to be tough here for awhile, but don't think you are alone. Everyone back home is thinking of you and praying for you always, especially Zach who says "please bwess ucle wryan so he will be taff". I love you and I miss you. We will see you soon.

The reason why Zach LOVES his uncle Ryan! (and motorcycles)