I've started with the back to school dreams. Except this time it's not me who is standing naked in the halls. I've morphed into the mother role. (of course) And in my last dream, I realized school was starting the following day and I had not bought Zachary his school supplies, and I didn't know what his bus number or who his teacher was. Those are horrible dreams. It's such a miserable feeling.
This blog has officially been kept for 3 years. And while it is certainly not a comprehensive record of my thoughts or our family doings...it's something. And it really, really makes me smile.
I won! Or at least that is the feeling I have about my latest craigslist-ing adventures. I saw the iron and wood table and thought the lines looked similar to THIS one. Plus it was $965 cheaper. And that mirror was an old wooden mirror (with cat claw scratches) that I scooped up and decided to gold leaf. fun times. It's not a great picture because (1) the angle...you can't tell how long the table really is, and you can't really see the mirror (2) we don't actually have an entry way...so it is a bit out of place here in our rental (3) it's not styled yet. But that's the fun part for me. I'm sure I'll spend the next few months trying to figure out exactly what I want.
But you know what I really want? I want to jump off a cliff. No I'm serious. I sort of want to do something crazy and wild and fun again. With David. We used to jump off cliffs or what about that time we pulled the rip cord ride and dropped 190 feet...free fall, or swam in those caves in Maui or hiked that tiny trail on the edge of a mountain in Colorado. And because we knew each other when we were teenagers, the list of stupid/ridiculous activities we participated in (or snuck around to do) is long. And laughable. Like..."Hey, remember that time when we were making out in the creek and...". Yeah. Stuff like that. I'm not sure what spurred this on. Maybe I've bought one too many boxes of diapers lately, or maybe it was the roller coasters at the amusement park last weekend. I guess I need to shake it up a bit.