Ahhhh, summer in Houston. Ridiculously hot and humid. In fact, unless we get to the pool before noon, it is even too hot for swimming! We've been trying to keep busy inside.
making jam and painting pots

I saw the above picture in Sunset Magazine and thought, "free project!" I already had the paint, and some pots that were happy to oblige!

Lastly, hard evidence that Z and L ALWAYS have the last laugh. Yeah, yeah, I might set their bedtimes and regulate the eating of vegetables, but they have their ways! I found these pics on my camera as I uploaded photos this afternoon. Apparently, Zach was interested in having a little photo shoot, and Lily was a willing model. What is that she's eating you ask? Oh, that's just my USB card. haha, this actually explains A LOT!

ps...I just love the top left "self portrait" of the photographer, and the hilarious face on Lily because she knows that the USB card is a BIG no no! Looks to me like she was enjoying the paparazzi "catching" her in the act!
pss..the big question is...where was I?