Sunday, November 21, 2010

a fall full of football

Football at our house is over. (ahhhhhhh)
We've had practice Tuesday and Thursday since August...and games on Saturday.
This league doesn't mess around.
(for the record, I wanted to sign Zach up for the YMCA version of flag's a little (ok, a lot) less intense, but I let his father make the final decision :)
I'll admit, he made a good choice.
David was probably more concerned with the actual teaching of football skills...but I was most encouraged by the details. I loved that they called each boys name as they ran onto the field at the beginning of games, I loved homecoming festivities complete with parade down to our home field!
David also played in a competitive flag league this fall.
The best part was hearing Zach shout strategy from the sidelines. ha!

(Zachary's Kindergarten School Picture)
On Friday Zach was excited to tell me about his day at school.
He said the principal announced his name over the intercom and he got to pick a dog tag from the office. He showed me the dog tag and was beaming ear to ear.
I read the engraving on one side of the tag, "caught being good"
I told him, "it says you were caught being good Zachary! That's so great honey, what was it that you did to be picked for this award?"
And continuing with his biggest smile ever he said,
"I have no idea."


  1. he such a little stud! that is such a cute kindergarten picture :)

    kyle can hardly wait to sign up brock for football!

  2. I just had a good laugh -- Zach's response was so perfect! I have been meaning to call you. I was asking Dave about your furniture when he was at our place for EQ, and I just kept thinking I should just call you and get the info. I love your posts. I love your family!

  3. this is so great. i love picturing zach giving dave pointers. HA!

  4. ha I love it! What a cute guy! Glad u get a break...till next season:)

  5. Man that kid has the best smile I've seen! I love how serious he is in the group photo-I can just see you clapping from the side-such fun!

  6. aww he's so handsome! he looks so happy. i love kids. always so happy, not a worry in the world. hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving. i'm soo avoiding packing right now. we leave in the morning for our 9 hour drive to a city in the same state. i love tx, but why must it be so big??

  7. He's gunna be such a stud in a few years out!!!!!!

  8. How fun!! I bet he was great at football. He is the coolest kid EVER! Seriously! What a stud. And I can totally picture him smiling really big and saying "I have no idea!"

  9. He is such a cute boy, he is getting so big. I can't wait for football, sounds like a lot of fun!
